B Sc Food Technology (commonly known as B Tech) started in TU owned college in Dharan, now expanded to other University also. Entrance pattern of PCZB plus math and English of equal mark is the signature mark of B Tech College, now adopted by many more. The field is related to the production and regulation of safe food. As the number of food items in the market has increased by many folds, the job of food technologist has also expanded enormously.
Globally, there has been a lot of research is going on in the field of food and nutrition. The scope of food regulation department in any country is directly proportional to the prosperity of the country. Developed countries have more regulated food production, distribution and quality control approach.
The graduates can get job in government offices, each municipality should have separate food and meat inspector in the near future. Food research lab in each state is another place to work. Major food item like coke, biscuits, noodles, juice producing factories can consume a good amount of manpower. We can expect a big boom in food production and safety regulation as GDP keeps rising in coming years. Going abroad for masters or PHD degree and settle in western country is common in this fraternity. Graduates in Food Tech can also think of starting own food industry.